Chapter LXXV: Feminista
Image of the Day: 218A
When I left studio today, I was walking through the hall and saw this sign. It intrigued me because of the way it was phrased. It doesn't say "WOMEN'S RESTROOM" or "WOMEN CAN URINATE HERE," but specifically draws attention to the fact that it had not always been a women's restroom, and only recently became one.
In that sense, it reminded me of the flags that unscrupulous European imperialists once stuck all over the planet, laying claim to foreign soils. My fertile imagination took this comparison to its logical conclusion...there is a cadre of militant lesbians advancing through Engineering West, conquering one bathroom stall at a time. Cal Poly today, tomorrow the world!
Case in point: When I took ARCE 211 during summer school, we were in the middle of Activity (if spending three hours in a sweltering room, never quite falling asleep can be considered an activity) one Friday and I needed to pee. I distinctly remember coming across two women's bathrooms before finally finding one on the second floor that accomodated XY chromosomes. Now it seems even that has been taken away from me.
Image of the Day II:
Whoever made the sign used some font that is not on my computer, but that can be approximated by bolding Vrinda and tweaking the default leading and kerning.