Monday, December 12, 2005

Chapter XVII: Introspection

update: this post sucks. don't read it

Questions I have asked myself about this blog, in no particular order:
1. How often should I post something?
2. Who am I writing to?
3. What should I write about?
4. How long should each post be?
5. How formal should my diction/syntax?
6. Should I try to be funny?
7. Why am I blogging at all?

It is because of these questions that I haven't posted anything for over a month. In fact, I still don't know what the answers are. But I figured the answers would make a semi-decent blog entry, so here I go.

1. How often should I post something? Making a significant post at least once a week seems like a reasonable goal. Anything beyond that is gravy (the good kind, not the fucking shit Light House used to serve).

4. How long should each post be? However long the topic at hand lends itself to. 300-500 words is a framework to aim for.

2. Who am I writing to? Myself, the conglomerate mass of people I know, the faceless Internet, and any aliens that are monitoring me.

5. How formal should my diction/syntax? Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling can be manipulated for effect. This is to say, any misspellings should be considered jokkes, and not typographical errors. In general though, standard English will be adhered to. Profanity will be used where appropriate (i.e. every post).

[Things happen and it is about 10 hours before I return to the computer]

6. Should I try to be funny? Sure, why the fuck not. Blogging is a joke anyway. People spend so much energy writing crap, trying to make themselves look cool, or trying to convince themselves that they're cool, when it's all just...something. Nothing. Anything. Whatever. No more whining, only happy thoughts. Wee.

7. Why am I blogging at all?
It seemed like a good idea at the time.

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