Saturday, October 15, 2005

Chapter CXXIV: In Which Our Hero Is Gravely Wounded

"This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm." Well, shit. I guess I shouldn't buy this coffee mug. Or this knock-off tupperware. Or this 'sexy nurse' costume. Everything I would ever want from the 99-cent store causes birth defects and/or cancer--according to the State of California, anyway. To be sure, the State of California might be a lying bitch, but even so, I just can't bring myself to eat out of something that has a skull and crossbones sticker on it.

The can openers though, are stickerless and free of danger. Or so I thought. During the summer, I ate approximately three cans of tuna a day, and opened them with a stainless steel can opener that I bought at a supermarket for about $20. It opened cans with the efficiency of a German blitzkreig conquering Poland, and I loved it. Unfortunately, while moving into my new apartment though, this marvel of kitchen engineering took it upon itself to disappear (perhaps escaping to Argentina like numerous Nazi officials.

So, I needed a can opener, and could nary believe my luck upon procuring one for a relative pittance at the 99-cent store. I rushed home with my prize, flung open the cabinet door, and cackled menacingly at the cowering tuna cans. They had grown complacent in the interim. I chose a victim and brought him to the sink, where I proceeded to use my new can opener for the first time.

It was unexpectedly difficult, more like the Russian campaign than the Polish one. I had to reclamp the edge several times to make any progress at all, and eventually reached an impasse--there was this little part of tin that the damn can opener simply refused to cut through! I named that bit Stalingrad. I resorted to trying to pry off the lid (mostly detached) with my fingers. And then it happened.

AAAAaAAaaaaHHH1!!!! OWwwwW!!!!! The fucking can decided to fight back and sliced an inch-long gash into my thumb. I bled all over my tuna--but ate it anyway--and then called the Student Health Services center to make an appointment for a tetanus shot.

The moral of this story is, don't buy ANYTHING for the 99-cent store. Even if it doesn't cause cancer, it'll figure out some way to kill you.


Lani Kai said...

Did you bleed graphite over your tuna?

ibleedgraphite said...

You think you're so funny.