Monday, July 31, 2006

Chapter LX: Armless Boy I

Image of the Day: Adventures of Armless Boy I
This is the digital version of the very first Adventures of Armless Boy strip created over two years ago. As you can see, it is kind of wierd...Armless Boy has the ability to fly through the air and eat your head. I'll explain it by saying that this is actually a dream sequence, in which Armless Boy acts out what he wishes he could do to all the annoying people in the world. Unlike the villain in this strip, Armless Boy can indulge his violent tendencies in the dream world, and is a nice guy in real life.

There is a bit of symmetry in the story progression, in terms of dialogue, etc. The gouts of blood in the last panel are meant to evoke the red hibiscus in the first.

This design was heavily influenced by the shape of 8.5 x 11 paper, but I'm going to start making them natively in Illustrator, so that will no longer be the case.


Anonymous said...

you are strange

Tim said...

Anonymous is full of shit, you ain't strange at all you're very normal as far as I'm concerned and quite amusing. Nice blog