Sunday, May 07, 2006

Chapter XLI: Sewage Safari

An unsuspecting glass of sewage grazes passively on the countertop. This specimen exhibits a bright red proboscis, the operating principles of which confounds experts to this day, or at least a large portion of a certain Physics 122 class.

The sewage is captured in the prehensile appendage of a bipedal mammal (Homo sapiens sapiens, "human"). The human makes a superficial attempt at devouring the proboscis, but he has been conditioned by previous experience to believe that polystyrene is undigestible and desists.

The main body of the sewage, however, is eminently palatable to the young human and he commences to absorb its stinky beneficence.

In a matter of seconds, it is completely consumed. The bleak landscape the Morro 301 wastelands necessitates eating as quickly as possible. Time spent eating is time that is not spent hunting for the next meal--which, in this harsh environment, is never assured.

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