Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Chapter XLV: Who's Space?

Over the past three years, a website popular with teenagers and sexual predators has emerged called "" or MySpace, as it is colloquially known. Registered members are able to create a "profile" page wherein they post pictures of themselves committing arson. When hyperlinking to a MySpace profile from some other online social networking construct, it is considered "cool" to incorporate the words "My Space" into a larger sentence or phrase. Examples of this include "MySpaceShip" and the increasingly ubiquitous "Fuck your place, let's go to MySpace."

But you know all that.

In any case, I was perusing a MySpace profile today that linked to a applet titled "How Will You Be Defined In The Dictionary?" Basically you type in your name and it makes up a definition. For example, 'Jerry' returns [noun] Pretentiously academian." 'Tryptofantasmic' returns "[adjective] Extremely extreme!" Finally, 'George W. Bush' is defined as "[Noun] A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins."

I always think too much about this shit, so it occurred to me that those definitions are actually fairly relevant. In my academic writings, I have been known to wax pretentious, what with the sprinkling about of 'ipso facto' and 'as it were.' 'Tryptofantasmic' does have a superlative sound to it, and George W. Bush is very paranoid; goblins can be interpreted as a metaphor for WMD.

Of course, I was pretty sure these correlations were coincidental, so I entered real words into the form, to prove to myself that the so-called dictionary didn't actually process what was being typed. However, when I entered 'ugly' it was defined as "[noun] A person who has the ability to be invisible," which, again, is within two degrees of interpretability. Next, though, 'octegenarian' came up as "[adjective] Extremely promiscuous, sexually" and that's just...ugh. So QED.

Image of the Day: Et tu, Brute?
You may recall this image with a different caption (cf. Chapter XXIX). A week ago, I opened a caption contest thread on a forum I post to, and this was the best one. I am almost inspired to create more gummy bear art tailored to other Shakesperean quotes.


Anonymous said...

Maybe that's because you spelled octogenarian wrong.

Trypto said...

My spelling is infallible. Any deviations from standard spelling--what some ignorant people would classify as 'misspellings'--should be considered jokkes. And this applies retroactively.