Friday, May 05, 2006

Chapter XXXIX: Sig Heil

For some reason, Nazi references cropped up a lot this week, with the latest and most interesting example occuring in studio today.

Professor Grover was discussing the site conditions for a hypothetical location in San Luis Obispo, on which I will be designing a hypothetical art gallery. Specifically, she referred to the properties of daylight at our latitude and how at noon during the winter, the sun angle is 30 degrees above the southern horizon. To illustrate what that really means, the entire class was instructed to stand up, face the south wall, hold an arm straight out, and raise it 40 degrees.

At that moment, as luck would have it, two girls passed by the open door. They glanced inside and quickly walked away, obviously scandalized by what appeared to be a Neo-Nazi rally taking place in the Architecture building.

This is actually only one of many references to Nazis I experienced this week. Earlier, there was a news segment on CNN about actual Neo-Nazis rioting in Scandinavia.

Before that, I called one of my roommates 'Adolf Shitler' due to his draconian policies regarding the upkeep of our jointly used bathroom.

And on Monday, during my debate round, I said something to the effect that "America's respect for individual liberties is what separates us from Hitler's Germany, Saddam's Hussein's Iraq, and Osama bin Laden's vision for a totalitarian theocracy. If America is willing to compromise its founding principles to buy temporary security, then the terrorists have won, because we will become the very thing we are fighting against." I was Affirmative and arguing that the PATRIOT Act's modifications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act should be undone.

Image of the Day: Google Earth/coolzor: Swastika Building at San Diego Naval Base

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